“…can anything be changed with inspiration and passion?” …
“Yes it can, and imagine how you will feel in that future moment! ”
Ferne Eliz King
“How much time do you spend dreaming of your imaginable future
for you or your business as you stretch to achieve that 500K+ revenue or income?”
Book a 30 minute free chat where you will leave the call believing in yourself, being inspired and having hope to achieve
your imaginable future.
unlock curiosity that will create options
Think of the consequence of NOT taking this 30 minutes,
you will spend longer than that questioning the value!
Testimonials below and on social media sites.
“You are in the drivers seat,
do not be a passenger in your own life journey” I know you…
The problem is…
“What are the 9 questions you need to ask yourself that shapes the actions you take to achieve
Your Imaginable or Unimaginable Future?”
The bottom line…
You need to ignite change
You need to learn from others
You need to rejig your focus
You need to create new habits
You need to unlock your curiosity
“Where Do You Begin?
You need an experience that facilitates options that will inspire actions to achieve your imaginable future.
Finding the right experience is overwhelming – there is so much information out there.
Then how do you stay focused on the problems to solve, options to consider, and a future to achieve?
The Answer?
Ferne Eliz King
I have methods, quality questions and great tools along with 30+ years of experience to partner with you
I am a globally recognised management consultant specialising in delivering transformation change of companies and individuals. You give me the goal and I will get you there, safely, quickly and sustainably WITH engagement from those around you.
I’ve managed over 2.5B in transformation change programs around the world and mentored 100’s of individuals and I get so inspired from the feedback I receive – now it’s your turn!
If you are not quite sure of the goal, I will work with you to identify options based on your superpowers and passion.
I offer Ferne Eliz King signature product “Inspired Change” an online program of 5 modules including 10 hours of mentoring for inspired individuals and businesses wanting to achieve a more abundant tomorrow.
Also 1:1 and group mentoring sessions, gap analysis, crises sessions and more!
It’s time…
make you and your business a priority, rejig your focus
take actionable steps to achieve your imaginable future
Your Truths
You have the insights and inspiration to make a difference right now
You are no different to many other busy people out there
You have a superpower – be curious about yours, let’s chat!
You are in the driver’s seat, do not be a passenger in your own life journey!

Create Your Imaginable Future
Consulting with inspired individuals and businesses to turn up the dial on curiosity that in turn creates options.
Then experience the magic as we rejig actions and focus to realise your imaginable future.
1:1 or groups
facilitated online programs

Whats Involved in this experience?
Rapid results.
Everyone has a different story, a different need.
“an individual or business”
Whether you engage in a full 5 module experience or a few 1:1 mentoring sessions it will depend based on the gap and complexity from your imaginable future
to your present.
…. uncover your story, your superpower, your why. Address any fears and blockages to success.

Health is Your Wealth
I had to change the way I looked at food, water and my home environment after having ½ my stomach removed from early signs of cancer at the age of 53.
I openly share my research and what I found works for me and many others.

Living a Smaller footprint
Happy to have a chat. Turning up the dial on curiosity that creates options, taking options to rapidly rejig focus that leads to inspired actions . This is what Ferne was thinking when she designed and built a tiny house for her 84 year mother and as vice president of strategy for Australian Tiny House Association (ATHA) which Ferne helped co found along with Tiny Footprint Pty Ltd .. to enable choices to live tiny for those that need and want to live tiny.

About Me
I grew up in a low socioeconomic environment where my emotional and physical safety was not always tended to. From a young age I was determined to shape a better future for myself.
My father always told me to learn from those that get knocked down and keep getting back up again. There were countless knock downs when transforming my life path, but I can attribute that inspirational advice to getting the imaginable future
I wanted for myself.
Get FREE Resources
Experience you will have by engaging with Ferne:
- How you will feel when solving for solutions to rapidly achieve your imaginable future for you and or your business
- You are striving for your stretch goal of 500K+ revenue or income, there are more and more balls in the air and you are fearful of what ball may drop. You know you need to keep your lights on while making organic improvements while driving transformation change! – but wow, that’s alot .. how do others do it?
- Clarity on the 9 questions to ask of yourself and or your business
- Igniting your inspiration that will lead to intentional actions that enable a shift in mindset – being clear on your why and what
- Unlocking human curiosity and your potential, Develop and define your options; how to do what you love to do more efficiently and effectively
- Proud of the habits that will sustain your energy and focus to continually grow and adapt to keep you on track
- Confidence in knowing the key indicators for when you need to recheck your actions and/or your

Ask yourself… “What is the consequence of NOT taking action now?”
Is it worth NOT gambling 30 minutes of your time to make a decision if there are options here for you. That 30 minutes could CHANGE your life.
Simple steps can achieve true EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL AND FINANCIAL STRENGTH! and …. the flow on impact to others around you can be truly inspirational