Do you have a plan to succeed?
– Yogi Berra
The thing is, when I ask an individual or team for details on their plan to succeed, more often than not I get no clarity in their answer. If I am not clear on the roadmap, I can guarantee you that some of your people will be just as confused. Remember that longevity in business involves evolving with the times, market and trends. Continuing to ‘do’ might be adequate for now but is not a plan for long term success.
So ask yourself this:
Do you have a roadmap of the journey to achieve your imaginable future, in relatable terms that will inspire people? Do you have a program to humanise the engagement between executives and your front line?
When approaching your employees remember that just because it is clear to you, does not mean it will be clear to all. Think of it this way, If I gave you a map and told you to get me from A to B would you remain composed? Or would anxiety start to creep in?
There are 3 types of people in this world; those that can read a map, those that cannot and have no problem admitting it, and those that are pretty sure they can, or at least don’t want to admit they can’t, but wind up getting lost along the way. Some would consider the invention of the GPS a blessing, being that it is easy to follow, gives verbal prompts, reliable, and almost impossible to get lost… But what about the people that aren’t tech savvy?
Developmental psychologist Howard Gardner uses his model of 9 multiple intelligences to demonstrate how our brains work in different ways. He promotes how each of us have our own strengths in learning and understanding and how leaders must comprehend these dynamics when managing others. This is why, for example, someone may have great ‘people skills’ but are not strong in mathematics or problems involving logic. Or why others may be very coordinated and excel in physical tasks and activity but are unable to articulate the words to express their feelings or desires effectively. To ensure you are inclusive to diversity of thoughts, consider the 9 intelligences listed below when conveying a message or vision to others.
- Bodily-Kinesthetic: Coordination of the mind and body
- Existential: Abstract, philosophical thinkers that question the big picture
- Interpersonal: People Smart. Sensing feelings and motives of others and reacting appropriately
- Intrapersonal Intelligence: Self Awareness. To understand yourself and your desires
- Linguistic Intelligence: Word Smart. To articulate what you mean effectively
- Logical-Mathematical: Number and Reasoning Smart
- Musical Intelligence: Music Smart
- Naturalist Intelligence: To understand living things and reading nature
- Spatial Intelligence: Visual thinking. Ability to visualise in 3D (People that are great at reading maps!)
What is the point of making a map if no one else can read it? Or having a map that the majority of people understand when there are others afraid to speak up in fear they are the only ones that don’t ‘get it’? Be aware that what makes sense for one will not make sense for all and consider the various ways people interpret and process information when you develop your roadmap. Be proud of your plan, but ensure your people are just as inspired and excited to guarantee their support on your journey.
The two words ‘information’ and ‘communication’ are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things. Information is giving out; communication is getting through.
– Sydney J. Harris
Ferne Eliz King
Love Life Love YOUR Life

About Ferne
Ferne is globally recognised and called upon for quickly accelerating complex change to achieve business strategies. Translating strategies to actionable plans, prioritisation of those actions, engagement from the right people, bringing business architecture to life or your life plan if individual and in many cases driving the change as a program director. The bottom line is Ferne accelerates businesses or individuals to achieve outcomes and enabling that is her passion.
What's the consequence if you take no action?
“If you do the same thing today as yesterday, your tomorrow will be the same as today”. Ferne Eliz King
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