Gaining Trust, what % are you in?
Only 30-40% of employees trust their upper management, it’s often a result of prejudice from previous bad experiences but at times it can be directly related to the management style within your organisation. The good news is regardless if the trust was lost or never existed, it can be built up. Turning it around require time and effort but it should be a priority because without trust there is no commitment causing you strategic initiatives to fail.
Concentrating on the 5 C’s of trust is a great starting point to establish and repair relationships with your employees. Trust is built on relationships. Also try this with your family, friends, colleagues, community or any person you engage with! Build it into your values!!
- Commonality – Find something you have in common with individuals. It will be a great conversation point and showing an interest in them will strengthen your relationships with them.
- Consistency – Be predictable and grounded. Follow through with your commitments.
- Competence – Be exceptional in your role. Be knowledgeable, have expertise and make good judgement calls.
- Care for other persons – Be empathetic and flexible, put yourself out for other people.
- Communication – Have regular and honest communication in person. Remember to listen and understand, communication is not just about speaking.
In addition to this don’t forget to praise your employee, your family member, your neighbour, people in your community or circle of reference. Notice and recognise their achievements and success. Humans want to feel important, and they desire positive attention because it makes them feel safe and secure.
If you enable your employees (and all people you interact with) to feel safe, supported, valued, and accepted you will be making great progressing in gaining their trust.
This blog has been created from my experience and findings from reading The Human Science of Strategy: What works and what doesn’t by Dr Bob Murray and Dr Alicia Fortinberry. Executives and Leaders of change- Check this book out, it is gold!
Best of luck to you as you endeavour to unlock your life’s purpose and businesses goals. Check in with yourself and hold yourself accountable regularly. The future you deserve is there for the taking. If you wish for extra support or guidance on this journey, please get in contact with me at [email protected].
Love Life, Love YOUR Life
Ferne Eliz King
About Ferne
Ferne is globally recognised and called upon for quickly accelerating complex change to achieve business strategies. Translating strategies to actionable plans, prioritisation of those actions, engagement from the right people, bringing business architecture to life or your life plan if individual and in many cases driving the change as a program director. The bottom line is Ferne accelerates businesses or individuals to achieve outcomes and enabling that is her passion.
What's the consequence if you take no action?
“If you do the same thing today as yesterday, your tomorrow will be the same as today”. Ferne Eliz King
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