Changing the way we think and live in our homes! How is that working for you?

Changing the way we think and live in our homes! How is that working for you?

Changing the way we think and live in our homes! How is that working for you?


Do you clean like your mum, do you clean like the person who you grew up with.  Do you wash your clothes the same way your household did as you grew up.  Who’s habits have you recreated for yourself in your home?  Whos habits do you follow about what you do to boost your immune system?  What education or knowledge searching have you done about actions you can take at home, easily, to improve your immune system WHICH IS DEPLEATED when you are stressed.

I lived with my dad for much of my formative years of learning to ‘keep house’.  We had a copper in our laundry, where you would light a fire under the copper to heat the water and wash my father and brothers fishermans clothes once a week, then wring them out in a hand wringer over the twin tubs in the laundry and I remember how excited I was when my dad brought us a twin tub washign machine .. wash on one side .. then put the clothes in the other side to spin.  My friends at school thought I was crazy for being so happy about a washing machine!

Anyway .. who taught you to clean? Or did you create your own habits and ways of keeping house?  What do you do to boost your immune system? 

Well, the world has changed.  Putting it bluntly 12 months ago I had a laundry cupboard of all sorts of cleaning ‘stuff’ , as did my mother who is 84 and lives with us.  NO LONGER.  12 months ago I got early signs of stomach cancer and had some of it removed, I quickly learned all I could about boosting my immune system, and now with what is occuring ensuring my mother is educated as much as possible to what we do at home to boost ours. 

A clean and green home : I have two spray bottles in my kitchen one with 2.5pH water and one with 11.5pH water.  This cleans and disenfects my whole house and I LOVE IT.  My mother a die hard cleaning product hoarder!  She converted .. she loves it.  It saves significant money, the 2.5pH is a hospital grade disenfectant, I also have a smaller spray bottle in my hand bag for hand sanitiser. 

Boosting our Immune System.  We take Turmeric capsules every day .. Oh My Goodness, the benefits are astounding it even has doctors going ‘dont know how – but it works’.  We also drink an altered pH water level from our home tap (through a water machine) and our immune systems are boosted, but not only that. There are many little niggly health issues that have ‘gone away’ for mum.  It is quite increadible, same for me but more obvious for my mum.  

What I was not aware of is the effect of stress on the immune system .. 

from Alf Garcia Psychotherapist / Psychologist Clinical Hypnotherapist  “Coronavirus (COVID – 19) is affecting and changing the way we used to live. The usual advice of washing our hands and practicing good social distancing is for our own good, but the Coronavirus has created anxiety and uncertainty.

This is a natural human reaction when we perceive an unknown threat. This anxiety can affect our thoughts, feelings, behaviour and most important our immune system. When we feel anxious our body release the hormones Adrenaline and Cortisol. These hormones cause our heart to beat faster and prepare us for fight or flight. We feel tense, nervous, and awkward. Once the threat has passed, our body will release other hormones to calm us down and counter attack these symptoms.

After all anxiety feels different to everyone and having to stay at home without knowing for how long, can affect us in different ways thus creating different levels of anxiety and affecting the immune system.

Keeping your system strong will make it more resistant to infectious diseases, but when you worry and feel anxious over a prolonged period of time; it will affect your immune system by making it weaker.

Therefore, to keep your immune system strong and healthy, try to watch the news once or twice a day. Avoid watching it continuously and you will avoid added anxiety (your body will thank you for that). If possible try to do some kind of exercise at home. You don’t have to be an athlete! This activity will increase your Dopamine and Serotonin levels. People sometimes refer to them as the “happy hormones” as they regulate mood and emotions and the good news is: You can intentionally cause happy hormones by doing the following. Cheer yourself up, distract yourself, remind yourself of all the things to be grateful for in your life and remember laughter is the best medicine.

In return, you will make your immune system much more resistant to infections. And for my final thought: Stay safe and stay at home. For those who don’t have support and for those who have lost their jobs recently, it is imperative to monitor your stress levels and remember this will pass in time. We’re all in this together! Wishing you all an outstanding day and take care. Alf Garcia Psychotherapist / Psychologist Clinical Hypnotherapist”

Great Advice !

I’m glad my mum and I created habits prior to this virus that ensured we have a clean and green home and were already on a path of boosting our immune systems.  Now I am also more aware of what impact stress has on our immune system. 

I hope you learned something in todays blog .. a long one but so critical to our knowledge of improving our health and a clean green home. 

Ferne Eliz King

Love Life Love YOUR Life

About Ferne

Ferne is globally recognised and called upon for quickly accelerating complex change to achieve business strategies.  Translating strategies to actionable plans, prioritisation of those actions, engagement from the right people, bringing business architecture to life or your life plan if individual and in many cases driving the change as a program director.  The bottom line is Ferne accelerates businesses or individuals to achieve outcomes and enabling that is her passion.

What's the consequence if you take no action?

“If you do the same thing today as yesterday, your tomorrow will be the same as today”.  Ferne Eliz King

Want To Learn More?

Book a free 15 min call and see how Ferne can help you accelerate your aspirations for you or your business.

The thing that sits between success and failure .. have you got it?

The thing that sits between success and failure .. have you got it?

Self-discipline is the only thing that separates success from failure and the real cool thing about that is it is 110% in our control!!!

We are not born with self-discipline… It is something we need to develop and practice.

What is it you want for you and or your business?

What price (ethically!) will you pay to get it?   

Role play top athletes!  I worked with the operations committee for the inaugural European Games in Baku, Azerbaijan.  I can tell you many athletes do not bounce out of bed every day and high five you about their routine for the day.  What they do, is high five you about their self-discipline – understanding the price they need to pay to achieve their goals.  Training for 10 hours a day for 2 years to achieve a medal for their country – that is self-discipline.

Self-discipline is like a muscle; it gets better the more you regularly exercise it.  It does not perform well when you stop start over a period of months.

Tip 1:  Do what you DON’T want to do first every day.

Tip 2. Take action every single day towards your goals (7 days a week!).  Even if it is a 10 minute activity on a Sunday.  Figure out what is compromised or how you will allow for this as a priority.  Get up earlier, give up golf for 6 months, get in optimal health to improve productivity.

Tip 3. Delay gratification, particularly with working at home!  Reward AFTER you have achieved an action.  If you need a ‘break’ do not get chocolate to reward 1/2 way, do not watch a movie as 1/2 way reward.  Only reward yourself on finishing an action.

Tip 4.  Praise yourself, and oftenYour mind only knows what YOU tell it.  If you continually tell your brain

“This is crap, I cannot do this”

“This is going to fail – the boss is not going to like this”

“I’m not confident with this task, everyone will think is stupid or below expectation”.

If you say those things to yourself, there is a high chance they will come true! 

 What if you said…

“This is challenging, but it is a step towards my target goal, and I will put passion and quality into everything I do”

“This is going to be so successful, the boss will love it”

“This task is a stretch for me, but I will apply myself as best I can and people will appreciate the effort I have put into it and my passion, energy and integrity will shine through”.

 is the ONLY thing between failure and success
and the ball is 110% in your court

Ferne Eliz King

Love Life Love YOUR Life


About Ferne

Ferne is globally recognised and called upon for quickly accelerating complex change to achieve business strategies.  Translating strategies to actionable plans, prioritisation of those actions, engagement from the right people, bringing business architecture to life or your life plan if individual and in many cases driving the change as a program director.  The bottom line is Ferne accelerates businesses or individuals to achieve outcomes and enabling that is her passion.

What's the consequence if you take no action?

“If you do the same thing today as yesterday, your tomorrow will be the same as today”.  Ferne Eliz King

Want To Learn More?

Book a free 15 min call and see how Ferne can help you accelerate your aspirations for you or your business.

Is my day shorter than everyone elses?

Is my day shorter than everyone elses?

Is my day shorter than everyone else’s?

Do you sometimes wonder if the time thief stole hours from your day?

How is it that others seem to breeze through the day, appear happy with their over achievements, exude perfectly calm and happy tones in their voices of an evening and some even tell us of the relaxing time they had with partners or children after dinner before bed.

Tip 1: You will not be able to alter what you do in a day if you don’t first audit what you do for approximately a week and actually know where you spend your time.

Create no more than 6 categories of where you spend your time and record in a journal before going to bed each night put the time against each. AND write next to each day what you were grateful for in that day and why.

Suggestion; 1. Sleep 2. My Care (eat, self-care, exercise) 3. Care for the home / family / friends 4. Work 5. Travel 6. Hobby 7. Work on things that have a direct influence on my goals in life (meditation, journaling + taking actions for your future).

Tip 2: If a situation changes with your environment, state of mind or mood STOP and rethink your day ahead and shift things around.  Don’t get dinner ready at 5.30pm just because that is the time you do it every day.  Be prepared to move your day around if it means being kinder to yourself.  Example:  We have more time at home at present.  Pre prepare your dinner for the evening while you are getting breakfast in the morning – you will find you will save yourself time.  Get a really good set of blue tooth ear pieces, load zoom on your hand held device, listen to work calls – conference calls on mute and no camera while you fold the washing (obviously choose which calls are appropriate to multi task ) .  Listen to audio that teaches you something new that helps you get closer to your goals in life while you multitask.

This is the thing.

People who inspire us, people we observe and go – shit, they really kick goals out of the park and appear to have so much energy, love and feeling for what they do in life and outwardly appear so energized. 


Those people have the same 24-hour period in a day we have.


Tip 3: Stop looking at what others are doing and comparing what you are NOT doing. Even though this article started with that view – cause we all usually start with that!

Focus on you, what does your ideal day or week look like. What is your ideal ‘mood variants’ throughout the week. For me, I like to get up early and see the change from night to morning and have that time to myself to journal, reflect, think about my day that was and the day that is coming. Whom I will interact with, what they need, what I need and how will I adjust my day to suit my needs.

You are the only one you should compare against! Get the most out of your day for YOUR needs.

1. Schedule Everything! (I use ASANA for my goals and tasks to achieve them); explore ALL the features of google calendar and MSTeams features – find quickly what works for you.

2. Do you procrastinate? 2 min rule. Whatever it is you are putting off. Just spend 2 min on it a day and make a START! (I will write a book one day!) Write in a journal 2 min a day the structure – the end of the story. Make a start.

3. Attention management how you change your attitude to manage your time. Take this change seriously.

4. Must Do, Should Do – prioritise. Could Do, Would Do – lower priority

Tip 4:  Working from home!

a) Embrace the chaos – go easy on yourself

b) Create a space for YOU away from your work – or throw a sheet over the workspace at the end of your work time

c) Set boundaries – work time, other things, stop – start.  Figure out what best works for you for productivity.  Communicate that to your team.

d) If you have kids – experiment and be flexible to find a groove that works.  Be strict with bedtime and sleep.  Research what good sleep does for a child’s brain and it will be a motivator to get them into bed at a reasonable time.  Good sleep makes a significant difference in our brains.  Prepare lunches and snacks in the morning for the day.  Pack a lunch box!  Put a rewards chart on the fridge – make the rewards realistic daily achievements (small steps).  COMMUNICATE.

e) Have a weekly or twice weekly family or house forum.  Ask open questions.  What do you like about being part of this family/home?  Is there anything we could be doing differently, better or stop doing?  LISTEN.

f) Communicate, communicate, communicate.  If you have a partner, have a 2 to 5 min ‘check in’ each morning and night on how you each are feeling and support one another.  Don’t immediately go into solution mode.  Just listen and be aware.

Lastly, find ways to AUTOMATE.  How many of us are in the business of efficiencies, transformation, speed to value, process improvements!  AND teaching our kids how to efficiently go about their day!

You know the common saying about a landscape gardener has a messy back yard, a builder always has a half finished home.  Well don’t make the same mistake for YOU.  If you are efficient in some areas of your life and not others – make a change.

Apply transformation techniques – audit what is the root cause of the issue, articulate clearly where you wish to be and how you will feel when you achieve that, assess the gap from today’s reality to the future – put actions in place to achieve your tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day people.

Ferne Eliz King

Love Life Love YOUR Life

About Ferne

Ferne is globally recognised and called upon for quickly accelerating complex change to achieve business strategies.  Translating strategies to actionable plans, prioritisation of those actions, engagement from the right people, bringing business architecture to life or your life plan if individual and in many cases driving the change as a program director.  The bottom line is Ferne accelerates businesses or individuals to achieve outcomes and enabling that is her passion.

What's the consequence if you take no action?

“If you do the same thing today as yesterday, your tomorrow will be the same as today”.  Ferne Eliz King

Want To Learn More?

Book a free 15 min call and see how Ferne can help you accelerate your aspirations for you or your business.