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Why employee values should align with employer visions

Why employee values should align with employer visions

Why employee values should align with employer visions.

“When you do what you love and love what you do, you will have more energy at the end of the day than the beginning.” – Dr. John DeMartini

Companies need to employee people that will love what they do. When employees have passion, they will be inspired to work towards bigger goals and have increased productivity. All of this comes down to values.

Our values are the foundational to our thoughts, actions, and decisions. Everyone has a unique value system. The higher the value on our personal hierarchy, the more confident and knowledgeable we tend to be. When we engage in something high on our system of values, we become enthusiastic and extroverted. The opposite can be said for things that are lower on our value system, we tend to procrastinate, become introverted, and have less knowledge and confidence.

Aligning the value system of each employee with your company is a recipe for success. While experience and skills are important on paper, a ‘cultural fit’ is more important in practice. You will not receive the highest effort, passion or innovation from the employee that is there purely for the pay cheque. When your employee’s values align with your companies, their will be increased motivation and passion in their work, they will want to improve by setting goals and working towards them. They will have fulfilment in their role and work in collaboration with you towards a shared vision each day.

When interviewing prospective employees, ask questions to gain insight on their value system. Select employees not just on their skills and knowledge but on how well their value system aligns with your company’s vision.

For a series of questions designed to emerge the value systems of your employees, get in contact with me at [email protected]

Love Life  Love YOUR Life

Ferne Eliz King

Based on insights from Dr John DeMartini whom has been a mentor of mine for years. Amended by Ferne Eliz King.

About Ferne

Ferne is globally recognised and called upon for quickly accelerating complex change to achieve business strategies.  Translating strategies to actionable plans, prioritisation of those actions, engagement from the right people, bringing business architecture to life or your life plan if individual and in many cases driving the change as a program director.  The bottom line is Ferne accelerates businesses or individuals to achieve outcomes and enabling that is her passion.

What's the consequence if you take no action?

“If you do the same thing today as yesterday, your tomorrow will be the same as today”.  Ferne Eliz King

Want To Learn More?

Book a free 15 min call and see how Ferne can help you accelerate your aspirations for you or your business.

Curiosity + Inspiration = Options

Curiosity + Inspiration = Options

Curiosity + Inspiration = Options

Start by imagining your future… dream big within the realm of reality. Look past material possessions of the nice house, the flash car, the 5hr workdays from an exotic island…

Instead think about

  • How would you feel?
  • Who would you help?
  • Be curious, what if this is something you can achieve?
  • Be inspired, how can you get there from today

Anything you want in life you can get. You just need options. Options start with curiosity and turn into a plan that the critical step is to then TAKE ACTION to ignite change in your life.

Over time there has been countless examples of people changing the world, or at least changing their lives by creating options.

Eva Ekeblad born in 1724 created options that were credited to preventing famine in Sweden. Potatoes were an oddity in Sweden at that time, but her curiosity inspired the experimentation that discovered an enhanced technique to create alcohol, a process to create flour from potatoes and a replacement for the use of arsenic in face powders.  She was the first woman received into the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (unfortunately several years later her status was downgraded because she was a female). She was curious, she had ambition to achieve something, she was inspired, and she created options to succeed – and she took action on those options.

Olivetti was a leading typewriter company that was established in 1908. There was an employee caught taking parts home and his co workers turned him in and urged CEO, Adriano Olivetti to fire him. Instead, Olivetti listened to the man and discovered he was inspired to develop a new machine and did not have the time to do so on the job and he had the resources to do at home. Instead of being fired, the employee was given time to explore his idea and eventually produced the Divisumma, the first ever electronic calculator. The Divisumma was a worldwide success for over two decades and its creator, who turned his creativity and inspiration into options, was promoted to technical director.

The future you want can be achieved. It is not a necessity for you to be an entrepreneur and go out on your own to get to your goal, as sited above. It simply involves figuring out what you want, sometimes a good starting point is thinking about what you don’t want in life and work backwards from there. If you are not the ‘entrepreneur type’, be curious about the company you work for, and consider the options you have to progress in your career or in the products and services offered. If you are the ‘entrepreneur type’ be curious about what the world needs and what you can offer.

Be curious… ask what if?

Create quality questions! dont focus on the answer yet

Be inspired… ask how?

Curiosity + Inspiration = Options

And options are infinite.

Love Life  Love YOUR Life

Ferne Eliz King

About Ferne

Ferne is globally recognised and called upon for quickly accelerating complex change to achieve business strategies.  Translating strategies to actionable plans, prioritisation of those actions, engagement from the right people, bringing business architecture to life or your life plan if individual and in many cases driving the change as a program director.  The bottom line is Ferne accelerates businesses or individuals to achieve outcomes and enabling that is her passion.

What's the consequence if you take no action?

“If you do the same thing today as yesterday, your tomorrow will be the same as today”.  Ferne Eliz King

Want To Learn More?

Book a free 15 min call and see how Ferne can help you accelerate your aspirations for you or your business.

With the future in mind, what questions should you be asking yourself or your management team?

With the future in mind, what questions should you be asking yourself or your management team?

With the future in mind, what questions should you be asking yourself or your management team?


What is the ask of you?

Curiosity, courage with survival instincts while maintaining good values exhibited with kindness to individuals, the community and our environment, and please also ensure there is emergency funds if you are an individual and profits if you are a business. Oh, and whatever you do ensure it is of the highest value and you or your company are the ‘go to’ place for the service you offer.

To sustain this expectation of you, please take actions to feed your soul, inspire your curiosity continuously stretch to achieve something that is bigger than yourself.

Coupled with the above you need quality of life which in one word is HEALTH. Mind, body and soul.

Ensure you take the time to drink quality water, choose foods that do not poison you and regular journalling, meditation and audio / reading.

And we each have 24 hours. Ready, set …. GO !!

Nine questions to ask ourselves in being curious, bold and courageous to achieve the tomorrow we wish for our business and ourselves.

If you own a business ….

  1. What does success look like for you in the future? How will you measure your success differently from today?
  2. Can you articulate the value you provide and the need for it in the market?
  3. Do your people recognise and value the point of difference for your business and can they alter the way the convey that message to effectively communicate with all potential stakeholders?
  4. What area of your operation model needs further development to support your BAU and growth strategies, inclusive of digital?
  5. What phase is your business in Right to Play? Pursue? Disrupt?  Can you pinpoint your achilles’ heel?
  6. Can your internal capabilities develop new methods to take your value to the market or expose your value to new markets
  7. Can you assess your current investment portfolio (who is doing what and why) and have the courage to reprioritise, merge, stop, accelerate and start within 2 weeks? Can you match this against capability and capacity to do the work in the time required?
  8. Can you match your future value and market need against the capacity and capability you have to fulfill it today? Do you have a plan to address the gap?
  9. Do you have a roadmap of the journey to achieve your imaginable future, in relatable terms that will inspire people? Do you have a program to humanise the engagement between executives and your front line?

Having an understanding of the experience you want your customers to have, what they ask of you, and the experience your people wish to have is the whole ecosystem of experiences and relationships.  It is undesirable to have layers upon layers between the executives, the front line and your customers.  I believe there will be a demand to break down the layers to create a sense of aligned values in your ecosystem, and the values that do not align will be the Achilles’ heel of many organisations.

Questions for an individual  ….

  1. What does success look like for you in the future? How will you measure your success differently from today?
  2. What value do you provide? What is the need for this value in your peer group or workplace?
  3. Can you articulate the point of difference between you and your peers that is authentic to your values?
  4. What areas of your life do you need to address to support your journey and growth? 1. That which you love. 2. That which the world needs 3. That which you can be paid for 4. That which you are good at.
  5. Are you aligned with your employer/partner/family in the phase of life you are in? What is your achilles’ heel?
  6. Do you have the right influencers or contacts to help inspire you for ways to achieve your imaginable future?
  7. Are you willing to make changes and reprioritise over two weeks to move towards your imaginable future? What changes would you be willing to immediately make to begin to bridge the gap between now and your imaginable future?
  8. Can you articulate the gap between now and your future goal? Do you have a plan in place to succeed?
  9. Do you have an inspiring way to articulate your goals to those that matter? Are you proud to do so?

Having an understanding of the experience you want to have in this life is an ecosystem of experiences and relationships.  It is unnecessary to have layers upon layers of complexities in our lives. Having clarity on your imaginable future, taking actionable steps to achieve that after assessing inspired options, and knowing when to recheck the destination or the actions to achieve. The ecosystem of these experiences can be overwhelming and confusing, but in reality they are not complex. It all starts with the quality of questions we ask of ourselves.

How will you spend your 24 hours allocated per day?  With whom will you spend it with to address the asks of you and the questions to resolve?

Book a free call with me for a chat… 


About Ferne

Ferne is globally recognised and called upon for quickly accelerating complex change to achieve business strategies.  Translating strategies to actionable plans, prioritisation of those actions, engagement from the right people, bringing business architecture to life or your life plan if individual and in many cases driving the change as a program director.  The bottom line is Ferne accelerates businesses or individuals to achieve outcomes and enabling that is her passion.

What's the consequence if you take no action?

“If you do the same thing today as yesterday, your tomorrow will be the same as today”.  Ferne Eliz King

Want To Learn More?

Book a free 15 min call and see how Ferne can help you accelerate your aspirations for you or your business.